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Carrot Cake Smoothie Bowl


Healthy Carrot Cake!

Well carrot cake smoothie anyway. My favorite cake flavor is carrot cake and I am so happy we threw this recipe together. The flavor really burst into my mouth, the warm cinnamon and sweetness from the carrots and pineapple, such a dream. Try it for yourself and let me know what you think!

Please click on the picture below for a Video from my YouTube channel.

You will need to plan to prepare some of the ingredients ahead of time. However it is still only takes a few minutes. With some prepared in advance it will save you time later when you ready to have the smoothie. Hopefully a couple times later in the week.

Tip: My KitchenAid blender is pretty strong but an issue that we ran into was that we had to add a little more almond milk than I anticipated.

Top it with whatever you like. I prefer to use dates to naturally sweeten and a lot of coconut.

Even the pups wanted some. They did get some carrots as I made it so they really begged.

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